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Joanna Burke Art Consultants, Inc.
12751 Millennium Drive #101
Playa Vista, CA 90094
Tel 310 305 1313
Fax 310 30 1556
Email info@joannaburke.com
12751 Millennium Drive #101
Playa Vista, CA 90094
Tel 310 305 1313
Fax 310 30 1556
Email info@joannaburke.com

Artist Submission Procedures
Artists interested in showing work must email (info@joannaburke.com) the following items:
- CV and/or bio.
- 7-8 images in jpeg format (each image should not exceed 150 KB).
- Link to your website and/or other websites that your work can be found.
- Price list of the 7-8 images written in the body of the email.
- Your contact information.